now when i want to insert the particular type of font into the flash file, the font (file) I have downloaded has to be open. the problem is that when i close the font file, the new font that i want changes to times new roman.
i have tried doing what the website says:
like publishing at low quality, putting the font size down to 8 ,checking the embedded size button ,etc but when the font file i downloaded is closed, the font changes back to times roman font.
i don’t know what is causing this problem. if the fonts don’t work why is it called free fonts!
any help will be greatly appreciated. also tell me whether you have had any trouble using the free fonts at the website and whether you have successfully used their free fonts on your site(if at all)
have you tried installing the font on your system…if not this is how u do it. go to start>control panel and in the control panel look for the fonts icon. double click on the fonts folder and you will see a whole list of fonts. click on file>install new font. in the resulting window browse to the font on your hard disk, select it and click on OK…this should install the new font. check if it works then.
The font won’t work on other computers if they do not have the font…to get around this macromedia has given an option of embedding the font in the file itself so that the look is not lost. To embed the font click on the […] (Include entire font outlines)button in the text palette. you can also experiment with the other buttons although this will add to the size of your file.