i guess in theory it works but i havent tried it yet. DOes anyone here want to DL the beta and try this out? im on MSN vts31@hotmail.com
im downloading the beta now, oh and by the way i just addedyou to msn
i HATE microsoft. Im not d/l this…
Alright I do have XP and Messenger…
sorry that was pure spam but still i wanna see what this thing is like.huh corporate bastrds:sure:
No fair!! I don’t have broadband (yet) and I don’t live in America, which is very unfiar
It looks really cool though, I wanna play!
- Soul :s:
i will do it
its crap it dont work on my pc saying my comp is faulty and soul i dont live in the US but i still d-loaded it, pity about the broadband thing
aw man! i was totally gonna try it till i saw that Micro$uk copyright at the bottom. trillian all the way baby!
wouldnt work on my pc either
hehe, did anyone get it to work?
You have to have like a super computer for it to work yet lol. but its only Beta so what can you expect? There probably about 3 people in the world who can actually run it, and I’m not one of them
Looks fun though, I wanna send kisses to peope I love :beam:
- Soul :s:
I can’t even get the site to load. Stupid company firewall…
Do you have MSN Kit? (not at work) lol
- Soul :s:
Not at home, no. My Net connection isn’t the greatest there atm, so it wasn’t worth it. Plus I’d have to py for the phone calls etc.
Used to have it at my last job, they didn’t care about security issues.