The Great Book o' Bhudda Marz

"On the phirst day of liphe, there was nothing but black, deep, darkness. A shining light came about phrom nowhere and brought about a strange and powerphul entity. It was known then that this entity would be named Marz. "

“After Marz was born. He created a universe philled with many dipherent types of planets and balls of gases. He went through all oph these planets and he named each and every one oph them until he came to a special planet.”

“With the wave of his hand, this special planet was given water upon its surphace. He named this planet “Earth”. He said that this was the planet in which all liphe was to be created.”

“That first night, Marz created his first piece of liphe. It was a man and he named this man Philbert Marinole Standotle. Philbert was a very wise and caring individual who thought everything of Marz and Earth. Marz seen that Philbert was very lonely however and decided to give Philbert a companion.”

“He touched Philbert on the head and when Philbert phell down in a deep slumber, Marz took a piece of Philbert’s hair and put it upon the ground. He spoke these words.”

– “Phrom the grounds shall come phorth a woman. This woman shall be a slave to Philbert and shall give Philbert all the attention that he needs.”

“Philbert then awoke and was phurious.”

– “How could you create another human and betray me Marz?!”

“Marz spoke with such belligerance and anger that he shook the ground in which Philbert and the woman stood upon.”

– “I did not create this human out oph competition against you Philbert, but since you have decided to act against me, I have decided to give this woman a hidden emotion that will torment men for all oph time. This emotion will be dubbed as PMS, to counter your exact intials in your name!”

“Philbert was then stricken by sorrow as he knew what he had done. He begged for Marz’ forgiveness but he knew it would not come.”

– “I do not want your symphony Philbert, I just want your attention and your heart. That, which you can give me, will be enough to make anyone phogive anyone in the times ahead.”

The Great Book o’ Bhudda Marz 01:01