Compal just released a brand new whitebook… And this one has me excited! 14 inch with a 256 nvidea 7600 go card… that’s the best you can get on a 15.4 inch, yet this is even smaller! So, I’ve put together this list of parts, what do you guys think? I have 2 options, order from newegg and R&J tech seperatly and build it myself or just let do it for me… Here’s a review of what I’m talking about
Actually if I let Powernotebooks do it for me, it’ll be a little cheaper also…
Here’s a screenshot of my config I want along with the price from powernotebooks
For the building it myself thing, it’ll be the exact same parts except for the CPU which would be a regular Core Duo T2600 2.0 ghz… Ironically building it myself would cost around 28 bucks more… What do you guys think?
Good deal?