Hey people,
Just uploaded some stuff to my new site, workin on some stuff for it as its still under construction.
I added the comic in flash format as its much smaller and looks, WAY nicer, also made a few ajustments to it. At the moment am using one fo the freewebs templates, but plan on makin the whole thing myself, so ideas for a comic layout would be greatly welcome, as am stuck for them at the mo.
If anyone like’s my work or anything and want’s some characters or anything designing, just PM me:ne:, or mail me at
Willin to work for free at the mo.
Lemme know what u think of the site so far
thx guys!
P.S. sorry if it sounds like am advertisin, am not, just want to help people out!:chinaman:
And sorry if i posted in worng forum…maybe i shud av put it in the Site check.