The Kucinich Mobile

I saw this car downtown yesterday at a Kucinich rally / register voters type shin dig. I had to stop and snap a shot with the old camera phone. I guess there isn’t enough money in the campain for a tour bus, the poor guy is stuck with a early '70s VW.

what’s a kuchnich rally?

that car has a better change of being elected pres than Kucinich

when you cant say his name he shouldnt be a canidate…i still donno how to pronounce it…

koo - sin - itch

he is a koo cus-sin wit an itch for conspiracies. :slight_smile:

haha I have a vote for Kucinich button somewhere. His supporters were handing out free buttons a month or two ago to people who were crossing the street :slight_smile:

Did it look like this? It goes with the whole VW look.