The Lego Brick Testament

Just stumbled across this, quite barmy, and must have taken a lot of work to create!

Oh… my… god!! Too much time lolol!!

  • Soul :s:

i like it :}

how much lego do you have??:stunned:

And how come the Lego I had was never that detailed? I mean, come on… Lego polar bears?!? :slight_smile:

yeah its with all the new lego…
you don’t build a lego house no more…you get it in two or three big peices and you click then together and you have a (not made by you) house!!

the old lego was more fun you had too design things your self…

but i still like the…silde shows!! Ranoka

very cool! This is my kind of bible reading :wink:

It’s the only way I’m gonna be interested in it

God is totally evil. Did you check out those eyebrows?

lol I love this, I want to download it all for safe keeping

this is where i found the link:


doh, it gets sensored… its the s word…

ahaha, d00d this is sweet! talk about loving to spread the word!

that is ridiculous…

It is ridiculous, but its cool and funny.

The seduction of Lot is hilarious.

hahaha I emailed “The Rev” and he sent me this link:


This is my new favorite site! Thanks for the addiction!

Hehe, it’s fun isn’t it! Thought you lot would enjoy it :slight_smile:

yes they do seem to have a lot of critters in lego now… in the olden days you had to improvise if you wanted something more then horses :)…

those where the days :wink:

old-school legoman :wink:

hehe lol, never knew there was a jarjar in the garden of eden… no wonder adam and eve wanted to get out of there :wink:

Ah! … Old School LEGO horses were AWESOME!

Those were the days B.L. … those were the days

*Originally posted by BadMagick *
Those were the days B.L. … those were the days **

AMEN !!!

(to keep things in the spirit of the website :wink: )

ah i had so much fun with lego’s, sometimes when i see commercials on tv bout all these new toys… nothing beats good old legos :slight_smile:

theres some good stop frame lego flics over at ifilm. The bond ones are pretty good, let me see if I cant find them :wink:

ah yes, and the Knights of the Round Table scene from holy grail. classic!