ur right eilsoe, i am a menace, one time time i even put my hands around this girls buttocks and was sent to the PRINCIPLES OFFICE…yup i’m a menace to society and womesn buttocks… :stunned: :whistle:
I need some input on how people look!!
How 'bout I just make a “G” with eyes…
mak: I don’t blame ya, sometimes it’s just too ■■■■ tempting
i don’t get it!!
makes eilsoe feel sad noone gets his silly jokes
JK!!! i got it pretends he got joke =) =) =)
seriously…what are you implying??
*Originally posted by eilsoe *
**hint I fancy nature. **
womens B-hinds… :beam:
*Originally posted by eilsoe *
**I need some input on how people look!!
How 'bout I just make a “G” with eyes…
mak: I don’t blame ya, sometimes it’s just too damn tempting **
make a brown haired (?) brown goatee smoking smilie…
and do you want me to make a smilie of you?
Umm, lemme think about that smilie for myself… 'cuz I have a brilliant idea myself :beam:
gotta check if I can make it first…
but remember to make the guig0-smilie
MAN I hate late night workouts… mebbe I should start doing 'em in the afternoon… or morning…
What king 'o hair G-man?
something like phil´s but not that high
your last avatar? I’ve only seen the one you have now… :-\
and can you make the short cut be like :gui: or :guig0:???
hey eilsoe can i have a custom smiley?
I’m drowning in requests!
Hey sen, care ta join in?
*Originally posted by Guig0 *
**and can you make the short cut be like :gui: or :guig0:??? **
no kirupa would have to add it himself
*Originally posted by Alex *
**hey eilsoe can i have a custom smiley?**
no you can’t
lol, j/k alex …did i get ya???
i was hoping that he came across this thread, and grant my wishes
Sure Which smiley needs to be :gui: ? =)
Kirupa :bad:
The one I have to make
i was hoping that he came across this thread, and grabt my wishes
why would kirupa grab your wishes…kirupa doesn’t steal wishes!!! do you kirupa???/ do you??? well do you???
reports kirupa to wish grabbing police
lol lucky guig0 gets a :gui: one…lucky you
*Originally posted by kirupa *
**SureWhich smiley needs to be :gui: ? =)
Kirupa :bad: **
uh… oh… er…:!:
<— speachless