The Official Unofficial Smiley Thread

*Originally posted by eilsoe *

I’m drowning in requests! :stuck_out_tongue:

Hey sen, care ta join in? **

I know what it feels like… remember that taming of phil/ thang? i still got some requests to fulfill :wink:

but i did you! and now, that even :ub: himself said that it will become an official kirupian smilie, you must do it!!! :bad:


if you need any help i´m your man :wink:

So guigo, why do you think I have a pink tie? I would really like to know. . . .

you know… you´re like…


off course!

isn´t danA885 ??

danA + 885

*Originally posted by dan4885 *
**So guigo, why do you think I have a pink tie? I would really like to know. . . . **

you know what, it could be because YOUR A FLAMING

train roars by drowing out mak’s curses and screams

…you got that???

What, you want it blue instead? Or…?

Mak: how’z this instead? We all know you’re a menace.

OMG!!! that AWSOME!! i love it…too bad it won’t fit on forums so i can’t have a :mak: link like guigo has his :gui: link…

oh well i like this one way better than the other one…my official smiley!

Mak, guig0, look here: click

that’s all I have so far…

HAHA, awesome. I signed up for the heck of it. Hope ya don’t mind :beam:

np bro :slight_smile:

the more the merrier :stuck_out_tongue:


and i have my own corner :beam:

thanks eilsoe! =) :stuck_out_tongue:


I have first post on the entire forum :stuck_out_tongue:


ack, we need more members!

I think guigo and mak are just homophobic homosexuals.

A red tie would be much better though!

one red tie coming right up…

Thanks homie. . . . .

[thinkstoself]did i just say that[/thinkstoself]

Dan… really :stuck_out_tongue:

Tie’s red!

Woohoo! Now those homophobic homos can back off!


*Originally posted by dan4885 *
**I think guigo and mak are just homophobic homosexuals.

A red tie would be much better though! **

that was mean dan real mean :frowning:

anyways eilsoe: i signed up :beam: i see we DID get our own corners…cool thx