The "or" Game

white - much cleaner

sofa or chair

Chair - takes less space

Phone or IM?

im, I don’t have to get up :smiley:

low quality video or high quality audio messaging?

High quality audio - I don’t have to get dressed :stuck_out_tongue:

TomAYto or tomAHto?

tomayto 'cause I’m canadian

double double or black

couble click, it’s faster

left or wrong

bombing you’re so wrong shakes head :lol:

left, because 3 make a right! :slight_smile:

serif or sans?

sans, easier to read :wink:

strerio or computer for audio?

Computer 'cause I’ve never had a stRerio that worked. :lol:

molson or labatt


male or female?

female… I’ll stop there

blue or red?

Blue, because the blue team in RvB so owned the red.

Burger or fries?

fries, they taste good with salt

austin or seatle
(rvb is from my hometown :D)

Austin - “You don’t mess with Texas”

Wireless or Wired

wired - faster

admin or mod?

[EDIT] I was beaten :frowning:

spongebob, more time consuming :wink:

random or actionscript?

Eh, what the hell, keep it going

Random - random is mathematically cooler
Rock or roll?

roll, looks cool in movies

a or l