The president rides a segway

haha… check out the picture of him falling off the segway:


It’s nice to see a president to lazy to walk around his own yard, maybe it’s naptime.

HAHA LOL :stuck_out_tongue: He’s looking so stupid on his Segway :stuck_out_tongue:

thats pretty sad if he cant stay on a segway :stuck_out_tongue:

*Originally posted by Whippersnapper *
**It’s nice to see a president to lazy to walk around his own yard, maybe it’s naptime. **

He runs a few miles every day. When he’s at his ranch, he wakes up at about 5 AM and will cut the grass, or repair the fence, or some other kind of work. I’d hardly call him a lazy president.

Good point naliwarcowz–He does alot more in the yard and stuff then some other presidents!

*Originally posted by NaliWarCowZ *
**He runs a few miles every day. When he’s at his ranch, he wakes up at about 5 AM and will cut the grass, or repair the fence, or some other kind of work. I’d hardly call him a lazy president. **

Then he spends a few hours a day reading and increasing his vocabu… no wait, Im thinking of someone else. :stuck_out_tongue:

im jealous…

*Originally posted by NaliWarCowZ *
**He runs a few miles every day. When he’s at his ranch, he wakes up at about 5 AM and will cut the grass, or repair the fence, or some other kind of work. I’d hardly call him a lazy president. **

*Originally posted by rere420 *
**Good point naliwarcowz–He does alot more in the yard and stuff then some other presidents! **

Uhh…Ohhh… a lawn maker/fence worker president… you mean a president janitor. :stunned:

that´s the best kind :wink:

*Originally posted by NaliWarCowZ *
**He runs a few miles every day. When he’s at his ranch, he wakes up at about 5 AM and will cut the grass, or repair the fence, or some other kind of work. I’d hardly call him a lazy president. **

Yeah, I mean… I only beat him on the three mile by one and a half minute… which is pretty impressive.

hahahahaha that is so funny hes in hes boxers too… :stuck_out_tongue: or shorts that look like boxers :crazy:

I wonder what the news people who took that picture went through to get it:-\

I doubt very much. If he didn’t want his picture taken, I’m pretty sure Secret Service could have stopped them from taking pictures.

i definiatly woundn’t want my picture taken and put in newspapers around the country if i was riding around on a scooter in my underware.

ahah! and segways dont fall over!

i betcha if someone <i>accedently</i> hit him with a football really hard he’d fall over.(-:

And then secret service would accidentally shoot the person who threw the ball.

*Originally posted by lava *
**haha… check out the picture of him falling off the segway: MSNBC News - Breaking News and News Today | Latest News **

Priceless:trout: :trout: :trout: :trout: :trout:

alex, read your pm;)