Here is the beef. I need help! Please read.
I have a menu bar with buttons in a movie clip that I want to screen up when you roll over the bottom 150 px. I have a transparent button that calls on this menu to come up when rolled over and to leave when rolled off.
Problem 1–when you roll over menu buttons it jumps and the menu bar leaves and comes back.
My solution: when you roll over the button it calls the move clip and then sets enabled to false. This allows the user to bring up the menu bar and roll over the menu buttons.
which creates Problem 2–now I need to enable the button so when the user leaves that bottom area the menu bar will screen off the stage.
My solution: set the _ymouse to enable the button when you go above the bottom area.
Problem 3–since the button was disabled when you roll off it doesn’t send the menu bar to screen down.
My solution: when the _ymouse is triggered to enable the button I have it tell the menu bar to screen down.
Problem 4–now when you move your mouse anywhere above the bottom area it sets the menu bar off.
As you see–I can’t win.
Here is my code. Sorry for the novel, but I need someones help badly and want to make sure they understand the situation fully! Plus some of my code doesn’t work–the function of the _ymouse tells me it can’t have the condition in the () area.
var i;
i = 0;
container_btn.onRollOver = function(){
container_btn.enabled = false;
i = 0;
_root.onMouseMove = function(){
if (this._ymouse < 410 && i=0){
container_btn.enabled = true;
navBar_mc.gotoAndPlay (“exit”);
i = 0;
}else if (this._ymouse < 410 && i=1)){
container_btn.enabled = true;