The random color tutorial, a question

Hey guys,

I’ve tried the awesome tutorial at;


(Again, awesome tutorials, my thanks!)

However, I’m trying to build that in AS2. -and to be honnest, I didn’t have much luck.

Did anyone try and update the tutorial to AS2 in Flash 9?

I’ve searched the forums for the question, but I’m afraid nothing could really assist me…

I did however found this script by lostinbeta and shuga;

onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
	red = Math.sin(ra += .02)*127+128;
	green = Math.sin(rb += .05)*127+128;
	blue = Math.sin(rc += .09)*127+128;
	myCol = red << 16 | green << 8 | blue;
	myColored = new Color(this);

(Great & Easy script guys!)

But I need the color on the multible MC’s to differ from one and other…

Would anyone be as kind to help me out and maybe even …explain it to me?