Things change

Just playing around with photoshop,

Comments !?


14 views and still no comments :stuck_out_tongue:

There must be something wrong/good about my picture ! :stuck_out_tongue:

its kind of disturbing

oh dear…

*Originally posted by prstudio *
**its kind of disturbing **


I was having my breakfast when i viewed it… thats probably why i didnt reply :-\

:frowning: I don’t like it :frowning:

  • Soul :s:

mmh is this you ?

gives me the creeps, if thats the effect you wanted to achieve well done…

*Originally posted by mlkdesign *
**mmh is this you ?

gives me the creeps, if thats the effect you wanted to achieve well done… **

  • Yup thats me :hat:

  • thats the effect i wanted to achieve…

My work here is done :bad:

Why did you wanna achieve that? :stuck_out_tongue:

  • Soul :s:

I dont know :stuck_out_tongue:

Just wanted to scary the hell out of people i quess :stuck_out_tongue:

well I was way off haha

How old were you in that pic? You’re 15 now right?

  • Soul :s:

It was taken today!

i know i look like a little kid :stuck_out_tongue:


Well I wasn’t going to say anything :sure:

You’re really 15? :beam:

  • Soul :s:

Nope im 14 :stuck_out_tongue:

im 15 in about 3-4 months !

Thats not so bad then :wink:

  • Soul :s:

hehe i like stuff like this looks good@!:beam: 8]

It’s actually really good. I love the effects. But maybe i love it so much because i’m a horror movie freak :wink:
