This forum looks nothing like kirupa


nothing like it

what are yuou talking about? (=

*Originally posted by saint cleve *

nothing like it **

nice observation:P

and your point being?

*Originally posted by Alex *
**nice observation:P **


*Originally posted by saint cleve *

nothing like it **

thanks, captain obvious… :sure:

Would i be correct in stating that this is spam?

Or a desperate attempt for members?


No, I think kirupaforum and the ones you posted are identical.

Oh, and don’t advertise for other forums on here.

yup ahmed is right. they’re all puny.

what you can do on the otherhand is go to other forums and spread havoc…

j/k i said that caused I PMed a lady on flashMXfiles to tell her to come to kirupaforum cause she would get much quicker replies and better ones at the same time…

anyway great thread :-/

i looks kinda like it or maybe its just i aint such a loser as to mention the most useful bit of conversation going ahh the joys of spam surprised it aint the old enlarge your penis 25% thats the usual **** i get

I alwasys hate showing up late. Cna’t udnerstand what is going on.

ahh welcome to my world im always working so when most the people are on im working so in the morning theres loadsa posts i aint never seen b4 and i aint got a clue wot they are

haha :stuck_out_tongue:

nothing really, he posted a link to some forum, trying to drive some traffic to the site through kirupa i assume… :slight_smile:

Ahh thought maybe it was another ripp of k-town.