This is freaky

okay…i think i’ve been on my computer too long…my speaker’s are talking to me!

I swear I’m telling the truth. Sometimes I’ll be sitting here working on the computer when I hear something. The TV and radio are both off. I get up and look outside…nothing. I come back and can still hear it. I pick up my speaker’s and hold them to my ear and I can hear people talking. Sometimes it sounds like people talking on a CB radio…sometimes it sounds like a tv show of some kind…tonite it sounds like a preacher giving his sermon with a mexican guy translating it along with him.

Either my speaker’s are picking up some kind of signal or I have a wire loose somewhere!



maybe its your neigbours dude and your house has strange acoustics?.

that is a little weird. If they tel lu to kill don’t listen…it never ends well.:crazy:

That’s totally possible! I have these BIG speakers! I can hear the radio all the time! The speakers somehow catch the radiowaves sometimes or sth!

Teet, you need to back away from the computer and go get some rest. :stuck_out_tongue:

Actually it’s happened with my phone, I pick up on other conversations all the time.

thats cool. That will explain the voices in my head :crazy:

that happened to me, and i just had my microphone on, so that was causing it to make weird noises when some one would talk.

It would also start typing weird things when the microphone was in:(

its really not that weird for electronic devices (especially speakers) to pick up random radio signals

i guess its weird for people to notice though…

whaa? my speakers pick up signals all the time…!
(I wish my tv got as good reception! stupid thing! :P)

tv bad :bad: DVD good! :thumb:

wierd to notice? It was really spooky at first when It was half past 12, I was home alone and heard very quiet wierd noises comin out of somewhere…

*Originally posted by electrongeek *
**Teet, you need to back away from the computer and go get some rest. :stuck_out_tongue:

Actually it’s happened with my phone, I pick up on other conversations all the time. **

OH CRAP! I was talking to my friend on my cell phone one time (she was on a cell phone too) when I heard someone pick up a phone, thru the phone! Then I heard them dial, I heard the ring, and I heard them talking in another language (they sounded Indian from their accents). It was insane! I never had anything like that happen on a cell phone before… weeeeeird…

oh and about the speakers… yeah that happens too. My g/fs speakers will pick up any signals in the area if they are at a high enough elevation. She was getting the spanish channel on her speakers…

My speakers tend to pick up crosstalk as well… It is pretty goofy, even more so when you are not expecting it. :slight_smile:


Are you using Windows XP? I don’t know why, but sometimes, I’d be offline working on some stuff and magically, the speaker plays some advertisement for like, body part enlargement stuff, really scary. But once I turned off some services in XP, it fixed it all. As for phone, I remember when our phone line was cut, when it was being restored, I could hear in on other phone calls in the neighborhood but I can’t talk to them. They where gossiping. :+)


haha…at least I know I’m not alone! i had asked a few people that i knew and they looked at me like i was crazy.

the speaker’s must be picking up a signal from something.


Pah, all I hear is my pc fan…

It’s higly unlikely for a speaker to pick up radio signals without the equipment. It may be something software wise on your computer that is doing it.


Any metalic object can pick up radio signals. As soon as you have a wire or anything else in the presence of a fluctuating magnetic field it’ll induce a current in the wire according to the rate of cutting flux (flux is a measure of magnetic strength) similarly you can induce a current in a wire with a static magnetic or electromagnetic field by moving the wire back and forth.

Its been heard of people picking up radio signals in the fillings in their teeth, opening their mouths would act to amplify the oscillation to an audible level, I’ve built a radio (using a kit) that didn’t have a power supply using this princlple. During my uncle’s funeral the pa system picked up the radio signal of a passing cab much to the annoiance of the priest giving the sermen at the time.

Transformers working with ac current also use this principle to step down the output current. When you plug in a transformer the outputted current isn’t actually physically connected to the input supply with any wireing. Instead there’s a primary coil and a secondary coil, the input current travels through the primary coil and induces current in the secondary coil. The ratio of size of primary to secondary coil determins the magnitude of the output current.

If your speakers are self amplified its probably a tiny current being induced by local radio signals being amplified by your er… amp.

Theres a load of useless info you didn’t want to know! :stuck_out_tongue: Sorry I’m trying my best to forget my brief encounter with degree level physics

I’m going to get a filling ASAP after knowing that. The only thing is, can I change channels?
