This is weird

This is more information on my previous post, lost my page banner. It’s not just the page banner. I removed the banner and figured I’d just type in the words I wanted in the banner and they would show up. Not so. What it should look like is:
Comedy Writing Pros
Humor for Business and Entertainment

The Humor for business line is always there, right at the top of the page. But anything I put above it, just words, not a banner, disappears and the Humor for line is at the top. I’m very frustrated about this. I can’t seem to update the website above a certain point on my page. (
Well, anyone? Thanks.

Is your banner text only? Or is it an image?

Sorry Paul, just read your previous post…

It seems that your banner is an image file, am I correct??
if so, what is the name of the banner image?
ex. comedy_banner.gif

it that is correct, he will need to upload the picture to a server.

I don’t see what the jpg name is under properties. It just gives me Picture/print window. Like I said, I’m not even sure it’s a banner problem anymore, since some things don’t seem to update when I republish. And the fact that plain copy won’t publish above a certain point on my page. Thanks for any insights you can give me.

the only reference that I see to a banner has


in the beginning of the tag and


at the end

this hides the code to the browser (this is why it appears grey).

I do not see any reference to an image file.

Toby - Your reply says "The only reference that I see to a banner has at the end, with nothing in that space. Can you let me know what it was? Should I remove whatever’s there to make it seen by the browser? Thanks.
Image file was removed. Just have copy at top, which doesn’t show.

what is the text supposed to say at the top, is it on your current file, and can you upload the current file.

should be a simple fix

Okay. The text is supposed to say, Comedy Writing Pros. Below that is a graphic from clip art of a wavy border line. Below that is text which reads, Humor for Business and Entertainment.
Now the Humore for…is there, but at the top of the page. The Comedy writing pros and the little graphic from clip art are no where to be found. There were a couple other changes I’ve made to the page, but they don’t show up either. It’s publishing the file, but somehow it ain’t there. I hope it is a simple fix. You’ll have to explain it simply for my simple mind, though. And thanks again!

give me about 15 minutes…

Not sure what happened, but wrote to my server’s support, and they said there was a problem, but they fixed it on their end for me. Wow. Wish I had known that earlier. Hey, Toby, thanks for the help anyway. It’s nice of you to take a little time to help me with the problem. Now I’ll know if it happens again who’s fault it is…not mine or yours!


Here is the file any way - a little cleaner and explanations of all

Best of luck

I’ll try the code revision. You know, I just tried bringing the page banner from the theme back, and the same old problem happened. Not there. But now if I put in just text and a graphic, it comes up fine, so I’m still not sure. I’ll try what you sent. Thanks.

If you have any more problems, let me know. I’ll check in in a couple of hours.