THIS MAKES NO SENSE! - Dreamweaver and Flash HELP!

Howdy folks and a Happy New Year (I think it has been that long since I last posted here!)

Well, I’m flummoxed to say the least and close to the point of throwing my computer out of the nearest window…

I’ve been redesigning the homepage of my company website and it has some Flash inserted into it. For some reason it doesn’t play. (See

But it’s not as simple as that… Click refresh and it plays!

So I’ve copied the file back to my hard drive and opened it in Dreamweaver. Hit F12 and the Flash plays okay. Feeling a little confused, I copy it back to my ftp and, surprise surprise - it’s back to pressing refresh!

Any ideas? I’ve compared the code in Dreamweaver with other html pages with Flash and it’s the same! - <param name=“PLAY” value=“true”> and all that. Have a look at the source on the page - it all seems fine! I’ve tried deleting it and re-inserting it, and it’s definitely set to autoplay.


(clunk…clunk…clunk - the sound of me slowly hitting my head against my desk!)

If you mean the swf in the big pop-up when you click “enter”, plays just fine for me!?

me too… i had no problems :slight_smile:

no problems here either…

here too (-:

There is a movie above that button that doesn’t play, I had to right click to notice it was even there.

That is odd. What are your publish settings? The “Play” option seems to be off by default for me.

no problems here either…

::::: AnOraK :::::

i would never have thought that there was something above the
enter button, had I not read lostinbeata’s post. I see the same
thing he does, which is blank white above it. I right-clicked and
hit play - off it went.

However, I don’t get the same effect you mentioned when I hit
refresh. It still doesn’t play for me, I have to right-click again.

Lostinbeta’s suggestion is probably correct, you need to change
to Play Automatically in your publish settings.

Aaah. Sorry, didn’t really explain as well as I should!

lostinbeta and UNFLUX have got it right - there’s bit above the enter button that isn’t there.

The problem isn’t really a Flash one but a Dreamweaver one. I’ve tried everything in Dreamweaver to make it play and used the same method that I have with every single other page I’ve made with Flash in. It’s definitely set to play and when I compare the scripts to other ones I’ve done the parameters are the same!

Thanks all you guys for checking up on it for me - if anyone’s good with html, perhaps you could view the source and see if there’s anything amiss? I’m no expert on it, but like I say, it all seems identical to the code in similar pages I’ve made!



I’m still pretty new, but I have a suggestion if you want to try it. I looked at your source and saw this:

<param name="PLAY" value="true">

I don’t have that in any of my HTML sites because they are going to play automatically anyway. There’s also stated another time in your embed tag in HTML ‘…PLAY=“true”’. It makes sense to me, but if I were you, I’d take those two things out and see if it makes a difference.

I’d also use notepad to adjust the HTML instead of Dreamweaver. I have Dreamweaver and never use it because wierd things happened that I had no control over. Now I only use notepad.

Other than that? Beats me.
Good luck!!

actually, Freddythunder I noticed the same thing looking at my
code. So, olliebrindley, I would say to remove that and see.

cuz I agree, I’m not sure what else to tell you…

Thanks for looking at it. I’ve taken your advice but still no joy!

In fact, now it doesn’t even play on Refresh!

Have I taken the right code out?

I’ve also compared it directly with the code on the old index page - and guess what? It’s the same! And it can’t be the swf itself as that workes fine on the old index.

Has anyone ever experienced this before? It doesn;t seem to follow any logic!!!

Maybe you should add a play AS in the first few frames of the SWF file.


Right - I’ve sorted it! Cheers lairusi - it wasn’t exactly what you suggested but it made me check my original flash file a bit more closely!

I put a with(_root) function at the start to ensure that anyone with an older version of Flash player than 5 would be directed to a frame saying they need a newer version (with doesn’t work in Flash 4). If they have ver 5 then it moves to the animation on a later frame. I’ve used this with other sites and it’s worked fine. Except this time, the animation wasn’t loaded by the time it was being directed to it, meaning it was sticking on the frame before, which is blank! Obviously, when you hit refresh it works, becaue by then it’s loaded! I changed gotoAndPlay to an earlier frame and now it works.

I know that’s a bit of a long-winded explanation and not sure if I’ve explained it too well, but I felt kind of obliged to explain my foolishness in asking for html advice when it’s my flash coding that’s wrong!

Thanks for your help everyone!


I put a with(_root) function at the start to ensure that anyone with an older version of Flash player than 5 would be directed to a frame saying they need a newer version (with doesn’t work in Flash 4).

Well if I am correct, if you are working in Flash 5 or up, anything below the Flash 5 plug-in wouldn’t even be able to view the Flash 5 .swf file. Right? I don’t know for sure, but thats how I always thought it worked.

Glad you fixed it though :beam:

Hmmmmm, good point lostinbeta, but I’m not sure if you’re right.

I got it in a tutorial off Flashkit, when Iwas trying to find a nice simple way to check for Flash player. It was a few months ago, but I’m sure I remember trying it out on a computer with Flash 4 and I think it worked (ie. it went to the frame saying I had the wrong version). Anyway, I think I remember doing it…!

Anyone else shed any light? (or. if you’ve got a computer with Flash 4, you could try going to and see what happens!)

hey it works! nice job guys. sorry i wasn’t much help on this one. :blush: