"This" = [object Object] when traced

any ideas here guys ran into this a while ago and just solved the issue by using _level0.xxxxx instead

MovieClip.prototype.loadPic = function(pic) {
    //Calls the Pic Fade Out Prototype
    //Creates the fadeDelay Object and defined all of the items needing processed after the delay
    fadeDelay = new Object();
    fadeDelay.interval = function() {
        //Clear the interval timer
        //Just makes sure the _alpha property is exactly 0
        picholder_mc._alpha = 0;
        //Self explanitory
        //"This" = [object Object] when traced hence the need to set the onEnterFrame to _level0
        //"this._parent" = undefined
        _level0.onEnterFrame = function() {

any Ideas as to why that is or how I could get around having to use _level0 I don’t really like using those kind of statements portability suffers massively because of this