This.stageWidth instead of stage.stageWidth?

Here’s what I’m trying to do: A reusable .swf file for displaying portfolio banners by importing external somename.swf file into main.swf

Here’s the problem: With some banners I use scripted animation which move the movieclips according to stage. When imported to the main.swf, instead of moving according to the somename.swf stage size they move around by main.swf stage size which messes animation up. I now know it’s caused by the “There Can Be Only One Stage” effect.

Here’s what would be the solution: A) Getting the width and height of the stage without using stage.stageWidth inside the somename.swf B) Somehow locking the somename.swf stage so it wouldn’t get the stage info from main.swf

I did some 3 hour long google research into this, but couldn’t find the answer. Has anyone bumped into this problem before or has an idea how to solve this?