Throw/Drag Disables MC Buttons

Here is my problem, I have an emptymc on my main timleline which calls another mc using attachmovie(). Now, this particular mc has buttons on it which work fine. However, when I add a throw component onto this emptymc, which basicly lets me drag/throw my attached mc, the buttons are disabled. How can I go about correcting this? Any help is greatly appreciated.

Here is the code from the component I have attached to the emptymc:

#initclip 0
function ThrowBehaviorClass(){
// get the target
var target = this._parent[this._targetInstanceName];
// set up the various properties
target.friction = (100-this.friction)/100;
target.accel = this.acceleration/100;
target.useHandCursor = this.showHand;
target.snapToCenter = this.snapToCenter;
target.xspeed = 0;
target.yspeed = 0;
// set the onPress handler for the target
target.onPress = function(){
// track the speed of the target
this.onEnterFrame = function(){
this.oldX = this.newX;
this.oldY = this.newY;
this.newX = this._x;
this.newY = this._y;
// make the dragging smooth
this.onMouseMove = function(){
// handle the releasing of the target
target.onRelease = function(){
// set the new speed of the target
this.xspeed = (this.newX - this.oldX) * this.accel;
this.yspeed = (this.newY - this.oldY) * this.accel;
// let the target ease with friction
this.onEnterFrame = function(){
this._x += this.xspeed;
this._y += this.yspeed;
this.xspeed *= this.friction;
this.yspeed *= this.friction;
if (Math.abs(this.xspeed) < .1 && Math.abs(this.yspeed) < .1){
this.onEnterFrame = undefined;
// turn off the mouseMove handler
this.onMouseMove = undefined;
// set up the releaseOutside handler as well
target.onReleaseOutside = target.onRelease;

// hide and stash the behavior clip
this._visible = false;
this._x = -1600;
this._y = -1600;

// register the class
Object.registerClass(“throwBehavior”, ThrowBehaviorClass);
