Thumbnail php gallery problem

Hello everyone! I’ve got a challenge for you. :tb:

As usual I've tried to find some posts that would lead me in the right direction on this board to help me finish this project but am still a bit stuck. Ok, here is the issue please bear with me as I try to explain. 

I have made a php file that reads into a folder and discovers the image names and how many of them there are. Next, I loadvars into flash ad split the string into an array. I have already successfully made a gallery that just loads the images. My next attempt was to make thumbnails that would be clicked to bring up the images.

I have script that makes a grid by reading how many thumbs there are going to be. It also has a limitation that I can change that defines how many columns I want. Therefore, if I only want three columns and have four images, it will load the fourth by itself on the next row. Fine so far, next I attempt to use loadmovie to read into the thumbs array and bring in the thumbnails in place of the box I'm using. That is that part I am having trouble with. I'll continue to explain what else I am attempting just in case someone has some advice regarding which path to take.

After I would successfully load the thumbnails, I would try to make each one clickable to where once it is clicked it reads into the other array for the full size images and loads them into a placeholder in within the swf. The image and thumb must be corresponding and I'm still actually not sure how I'm going to do that. The final thing would be to add a few effects when it goes to load the main image (just like a plain box that shows up to hold the image, but I know how to do that!  :afro: ).

Those are pretty much the last few steps I can't get workin. Here is a link to download all the elements you need to see what is wrong. Thanks in advance for any help! If I get it, I'll let you guys know but as of now, have at it if you dare!  :beard: 

Alll anyone who dares has to do is make two folders "images" and "thumb" and populate them with some files.

Download that zip file w00t

:thumb: booyah