I’ve been looking through some topics and tutorials to see if I could find anything that would improve my grasp on this subject. I’d like to ask for suggestions as well as present my problem.
I am attempting to create an Image Gallery but to be more specific, right now I am trying to get through the generation of thumbnails. The Thumbnail grid will always be 5 Columns by 3 Rows and the amount of Images passed into an array might change. So keeping that in mind, eventually I will create a page system (but not yet, want to get through this first part).
So far this AS code speaks to the MC imageSection and within it to another called thumbMC. I am duplicating this thumb but I can’t seem to get the rows/columns correct. I am confused mainly on the understanding of how I should go about doing this. Suggestions are very welcome. I would really like to know what other approach I can make.
Here is the AS so far (XImages is an array holding the image’s thumburl, imageurl and description) to give you an idea of my approach so far:
function loadViewer() {
var nSpacing = 94;
var j:Number = 0;
var p:Number = 0;
var nRows = 3;
var nColumns = 5;
var nTotal = XImages.length;
var d = imageSection.getNextHighestDepth();
for (var i:Number = 0; i<XImages.length+1; i++) {
imageSection.thumbMC.duplicateMovieClip("thumbMC"+i, d++);
if (j<nColumns) {
imageSection["thumbMC"+i]._x = (nSpacing*i)+nSpacing/2;
} else {
//imageSection["thumbMC"+i]._x = nSpacing/2;
if (p<nRows) {
imageSection["thumbMC"+i]._y = (nSpacing*p) + nSpacing*1.4;
j = 0;
trace("IMAGE ("+i+") X Value ("+_root.imageSection["thumbMC"+i]._x+")");
trace("IMAGE ("+i+") Y Value ("+_root.imageSection["thumbMC"+i]._y+")");