
Alrighty then… since I’m not good enough to create Chess, I’m going to create one of the classics - Tic Tac To. (Thx mlkdesign)

I like creating checkered boards with actionscript; I just think it’s fun. But should I create the tiles as buttons?

Thx for your help everyone :stuck_out_tongue:

maybe you should make each tile a movieclip with three frames. one for a blank space, another for a circle and the last for an x. this way you can make one MC and duplicate it to make 9 squares and for each action during the game, you can make the appropriate gotoAndStop and the frame that you want…

Please do not cross-post, amp. :-
I deleted the thread posted in the Flash MX section.

Thank you. :slight_smile:

Definitely make them movieclips - movieclips are always much better, they let you do almost anything.

now for the actual programming, now you can actually create lines of code for each circumstance (like the user has checked this square, so I place mine here) use some random to to let user win, otherwise the computer is simply unbeatable…

OK I got the movie clips set up… now what actions should I put? If you don’t feel like explaining it could I just get a tutorial on it?

[O yeah, sorry for crossposting :d:]

you might want to set up an array to store what type the MC is. t could be empty a circle an x. then when the user clicks on the tile you make a script to check if it’s empty. if it is then change the tile type to 2(which would stand for circle) and gotoAnstop on the tile Type. that would be the users turn. Then check which tiles are circles and which are x’s and then chacge the appropriate tile’s type and gotoAndStop… that would be the cpus turn…get what i mean???

workin on it :stuck_out_tongue: