hi i have downloaded a program that is a clock and here is the code
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
myTime = new Date();
nSeconds = myTime.getSeconds();
nMinutes = myTime.getMinutes();
nHours = myTime.getHours();
if (hours>=12) {
ampm = “pm”;
} else {
ampm = “am”;
if (hours>=13) {
nHours = nHours-12;
if (length(nMinutes) == 1) {
nHinutes = “0”+nMinutes;
if (length(nSeconds) == 1) {
nSeconds = “0”+nSeconds;
nTime = nHours+":"+nMinutes+":"+nSeconds+" "+ampm;
onClipEvent (load){
mon = [“Jan”,“Feb”,“Mar”,“Apr”,“May”,“Jun”,“Jul”,“Aug”,“Oct”,“Nov”,“Dec”];
weekdays = [“Sunday”,“Monday”,“Tuesday”,“Wednesday”,“Thursday”,“Friday”,“Saturday”];
onClipEvent (enterFrame){
now = new Date()
nDay = weekdays[now.getDay()]
nMonth = mon[now.getMonth()]
nDate = now.getDate()
nYear = now.getFullYear()
displayDate = nMonth+" “+nDate+”, "+nYear
displayDay = nDay
it gets the date and time from your computer
my question is how can i turn this so that
i can play a movieclip on a certain time
please help me
here is my email nyxl@underdogdv.com
thank you