Hey! I have been seeing this really neat “timelines” in flash. The timelines control a movie, so you can get a fast forward/rewind effect. This is a very nice effect… and I would like to know how they did it… I don’t have an example because I forgot the site and it was on Macromedia.com but they updated the home page movie. Thanks!
hmm… should I bother to reply to someone who shows little to no respect for any of the other members of this community? I’m really not all that sure. Just some friendly advice from the mods here. You are on thin ice at best here. A simple “I’m sorry” will only work so many times. It only works when one is sincere about being sorry.
Back and forth timeline control is not any single operation. In a simple movie, with tweens and such, it’s just a matter of using gotoAndPlay() methods. As one has more and more movie clips working in a production, the operation of making a user controled timeline becomes more complex.
Best bet is to think hard in advance of any production work. Don’t make your movies complex and it will be easier to accomplish. Try practicing using something like a ball moving across the screen. Then set up a side scroll bar which manipulates what frame the movie rests on.
If that makes no sense to you, I’ll try to come up with something a little more detailed for you to examine.
Oh thanks, I think I understand… I think I will play around a bit.
thanks for the reply