Timeline Video


I have a little problem to make my playbar and it would be very appreciated that someone help me to resolve it !

What i try to do is:
Separate an flv in 5 part, (like theres a point at 2sec an other a 8sec and so on) The points will depend of the flv. Also, I’m stocking these points in a xml file.
and then, what I want to do:
make a timeline with 5 button seperated proportionnaly. When i cliked on a button, it seek the video to the time loaded from the xml… The only thing that i have difficulty with is the progression bar that’s suposed to speed up when the difference between 2 point is short and slow down if the difference is big.

Here’s my code:

private function playingBarTimerEvent(e:TimerEvent):void {
if (currentMovPosition < aCuePoints.length) {
var currentCuePointPos = mcTimeline.getChildByName(“iCuePoint”+currentMovPosition); //this is the button which i get the xml time depending the position
var tempSeekBarWidth:Number = currentCuePointPos.x; // this is the position of the button
var percent:Number = ns.time / aCuePoints[currentMovPosition] * tempSeekBarWidth ;

mcTimeline.seeker.x = percent;
mcTimeline.playingBar.width = percent;

if (ns.time &gt;= aCuePoints[currentMovPosition]) {


thanks in advance!