Hello all, I’ve got a timeline based tween which I would like to be played three times with a 10 seconds delay at start for example before moving on to the next tween. I have been doing a lot of research on this issue in the last days and learned how to use the timer class in AS3.
After a lot of testing, trial and error, I have the feeling that the timer class isn’t meant to be used with timeline based tweens but rather with AS3 generated “objects”. My timer functions are working fine as long as I want them to be fired off once or forever. The problem is that repeatCount of “3” for example is beeing ignored and the function is executed in a loop.
Is the timer class combined with timeline based tweens a no go? I would look into using AS3 to tween my movieclips in that case instead of continuing to hit my head against the wall if what I’m trying to do isn’t technically possible.