Hello guys,
Just wanna ask for some tips on how to be a good programmer
I’m a visual designer by heart and i can say that im also not a bad programmer.
BUT, I noticed that i cannot accomplish advance stuff by myself without asking or doing some google searches and I kinda envied some of my friends (specially IQAndreas which is a good friend of mine and an active member here at kirupa.) for their super MAD programming skills.
Its like I’m trying to do something for 1 week, but if i asked a good programmer friend, he can make it work under 30 mins.
It kinda makes me upset sometimes lols.
I’m specially weak in mathematical computations.
Do you have some useful and motivational tips on improving my logic? Im really not that bad in AS3 general, but when it comes to advanced UI interaction, mathematical computations, effects, etc, i suck big time