Tired - Wired rip off

Here is a rip off of Wired. I called it Tired since all the tech mags seem to regurgitate the same thing each and every month with a slightly different spin. I thought it was funny, but I’ll post something more original next time.

Thanks for looking.


man, i dont know, maybe it needs a little bit o’ that, and a lil’ bit o’ this, i think it’s not ready:ponder:

Might be a cool idea, but not feeling the graphical presentation. Cool ipod pic, boring font and color use.

Thanks for the feedback - I’ll change some things around with it. I think you’re right, SlowRoasted, it is quite boring graphically. Thanks for the replies.

Yeah that and it does seem little too much like WIRED. I like it for the most part, it does look like a magazine (important).