To align swf file in Html Table Cell

When i am putting swf file into html table cell, i found out space between by swf file and table cell.
My swf file wxh=550px ,200px;same width and height is use for my table cell but still now i found space between cell and swf file.
plse reply me, how to solve this problem.

Thanx in advance.

[QUOTE=senthil_becse;2332199]When i am putting swf file into html table cell, i found out space between by swf file and table cell.
My swf file wxh=550px ,200px;same width and height is use for my table cell but still now i found space between cell and swf file.
plse reply me, how to solve this problem.

Thanx in advance.[/QUOTE]

Check if you have specified cellpadding or cellspacing. If neither has been set, then HTML usually puts in a default value of 1px for both (although its no where in the code) So you need to set these values to 0. Also if you placing your swf file within the table cell, there is no need to specify a height and width.

You should use css to specify a margin and padding of 0px. Why are you using a table to lay out your swf? Tables should only be used for tabular data.