To anyone

hey! i like this swf
go to swfs
go to intertrip666.swf

can anyone share knowledge how to do this? thnx! i’m just a beginner in flash mx. tnx!


I still call myself new at this Flash thing. What you are looking to emulate takes a lot of circular (sin/cos) AS where you get your coords from xmouse and ymouse, duplicateMovieClip(,,_), and mouse.hide(). It’s something you should play with until you figure out what you want to do. Check out the forums (circular motion) on kirupa,

and here:

It’s a lot of math/trial and error, but I’m in the same boat…

good luck!!

ok … i was bored so here’s something to start =)

That is some kickbutt code!! Thanks man, you taught me more!

no problem =)

and thanks for the compliment :wink: