To Detect or not to detect...script or user choice?

Hey all :slight_smile:

I wanted to get all of your opinions on this, see what the consensus is. I’m making different versions of my site…one for dialup and one for DSL. I’m pondering using a splash page in which the user chooses which connection speed they have, but I found a great tutorial on how to detect the connection speed via script. Which do you all prefer to use? I realize there are downsides to both…so I’d like to know what you guys think.

Also, have any of you found ways around having to make multiple versions of your site? Right now I have 4…two resolutions for dialup and DSL respectively. It seems a little absurd to have so many…but I found that the scaling of Flash in a browser makes my font and pictures look oh-so-crappy. Just wondering how you all work around this problem, if at all.

Thanks for your input! :smiley:
