To Symbol or Not To Symbol

To Symbol or Not To symbol…

Easy question,

When I import a jpeg or video into the flash library should I then make a movie symbol with the video or graphic symbol with the bitmap and use that in my Flash Movie or could I just use the Bitmap and Video from the library directly in my flash movie.

Definitly there would be advantages to creating a movie symbol because of actionscipting possibilities. But, doesn’t that leave two items in the library to dowload during page loading instead of one?


Whatever is in the library doesn’t get loaded… It just keeps a physical location in it’s memeory in case it ever needs to call it through ActionScipt’s attachMovie… And Flash goes by the same rule as webpages… If you see somethign that is the same… Well then… It is… hehe…

But… I would definetly put it in a movieCLip you shouldn’t have any problems with double loading good buddy.

As far as I know, symbols are certainly the way to go. It’s easier to alter things later that way, create multiple instances, and of course you can reference them and apply actions.

As Marz says, anything in the Library doesn’t get exported into the .swf unless it is specifically used on the Stage / called in via scripting. That’s kinda why fla files are so much bigger than swfs. :slight_smile: