I’m making help/tip posters for premier. Capture poster is OK, but the editing is stuffed full.
Daft thing is if I streach it over two pages it may seem daunting to a noob. yet its a bit cluttered at the moment
Any opinions on bear essenials I should have?
It’s daunting cause you didn’t put any navigation into it. My advice is to build this in InDesign since creating a grid and type structure is easier in that app. Make a grid, number each section accordingly, make the font san-serif and a point size no smaller than 12pts(it’s a poster, but there’s no way anyone is going to read that kind of information from the other side of a room). Once you’ve done all that, I think you’ll be on the right direction.
I think you need to align all of the blocks consistently and to more uniform sizes to give the whole design a clear direction.
how about this… mmm lots of boring text, its more regulated:bounce: