Tooltip Class [AS2]

Hi, I’m building a tooltip class but are not sure if I can use it this way.
The thing is that I want the tooltip on several different things (classes and movieclips).

I started like this.

class com.tooltip.Tooltip extends MovieClip {
	* Constructor
	function Tooltip(myText:String) {
		trace("the Text. "+ myText + "- "+ this)
		this._visible = false;

	function activeate() {
		trace("ssssssssss "+ this)
		//this._visible = true;
		for(var nisse in this) {
			trace(nisse + " : "+ this[nisse])

Then if I want to use this tooltip in maby another class I can add it in the constructor with (testObj) :

class com.navigation.NavigationButton extends MovieClip {
	function NavigationButton(){
		testObj = new com.tooltip.Tooltip("try this mon");

	function onRollOver() {

with this I can get the function [red]activeate[/red] to work, but it isn’t a movieclip then? or? :hurt:

In my trace in the [red]activeate[/red] function I get.

ssssssssss [object Object]
_visible : false

To get it to work I need to be able to hide/show, move the class. And by the way, the class is a movieclip that lies on the Stage.

anyone got an Idéa :q: