+ ?

:eye: hiii

When I write a simple code like

a = b-1;

It’s work, but when I wrote

a = b+1;

the 1 added near to the b…

For exaample:
if a = 10 then b =11…

What I need to write for get the + value?

wait what do you mean? do you mean the b+1 doesnt’ work? If thats whats wrong then i don’t know whats wrong :frowning:

No, instead to do b+1 it’s do b and 1

if b =10
it do b+1= [COLOR=blue]10[/COLOR]1

Here file with the problem:

thats only if b is a string. the + operator is the addition operator for numbers and the concat for strings. So if you have a ‘number’ thats actually a string, you’ll have to convert it to a number if you want to add its number value to another number ie

newVal = number(b) + 1

thanks! C:-)