So this is entirely new to me…not necessarily flash but this forum thing, so feel free to let me know if I’m doing any of this wrong.
Working on a site and that uses transitions and loads external swfs (like the tutorial)l. Thought it would be a good idea to use something different, as opposed to what I’ve been doing in the post, which was onClipEvent do this and if this happens play this. However, I’m having trouble – actually I don’t know if it is even possible – with buttons within these external swfs. The navigation is the main movie with the transition and loads an external movie with it’s own set of navigation. I am wondering if there is a way to link up those sub buttons with the main movie. Like if you go to the men’s section and want to return home not from the main nav, but by a secodary one in the external swf and still use the tranistion set up in the main movie. Is this possible? Referencing movie clips across movies?
I doubt that was clear, because I have a hard time expaining it to myself. If you have any suggestions that would be great, if not it was still a good opportunity to think things through. I’ve attached my .fla files and if you need further reference, take a look at the working site: