Transitions b/w external swfs

there is a tutorial on this site about transitions between swfs. It doesn’t work for me, not even when i test the actual source fla.
I need help with how to create transitions: closing (outro) sequences of an external mc once i hit a button that goes to load a different mc.

i am new but not so new to flash…

thank you

Hey victoria welcome to the forums. :thumb:

When you test the source .fla, did you have the .swf files created?

Yes i had all the .swfs from the actual source file that the tutorial supplied. Plus i had my own site that i was working on with the various .swfs that i was working on… the code just didn’t seem to be working at all.

thank you

The example does work, but make sure that you have compiled external1.swf, external2.swf, external3.swf and external4.swf before you compile the main file. If you don’t it of course won’t work because the external swfs don’t exist yet.
What exactly doesn’t work ? Does it give any error messages ?

Sorry Voetsjoeba,
I did something wrong with the source files… I got it to work just like you said…
Now i will try to implement this into my site…
I will let you know if i managed to figure it out.
In any case thank you so much (if i can get this down, i will be such a happy person!)

Hi, first of all thanks for the nice tutorials, these are the best and very helpful. I m having different problem with the transition. And i found this thread, hope victoria wont mind if i ask my problem in this thread. theres no problem with the files that are included with the tutorial. I followed the tutorials and created one by myself, everything is working fine except the first section is not loading automatically. But when i click on the first section then it loads. An error i m having with action scripts:

**Error** Scene=Scene 1, layer=as, frame=1:Line 1: Operator '=' must be followed by an operand
     _root.currMovie = “movie1”; 

Total ActionScript Errors: 1 	 Reported Errors: 1

this should be a silly mistake but i coundnt figure that out :frowning:

thanks in advance.

Use these quotes: " " instead of “ and ”.

yeah right. thanks Voetsjoeba.

It works!!!
That just made me a very happy person!!
Thank you for all your support!!! :p: