[COLOR=#003366]I’m hoping someone can help me…[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#003366]I am trying to follow the following tutorial that is perfect for what I need:-[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#003366]Transitions [/COLOR][FONT=Verdana][COLOR=#003366]Between External SWFs
[/COLOR][/FONT][FONT=Verdana][COLOR=#666666]by Voetsjoeba :: 21 February 2004[/COLOR][/FONT]
[COLOR=#666666]I have created the buttons and have cut and pasted the ActionScript with what I believe to be the correct adjustments. However, I’m getting the following error messages for each of the four buttons…[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#666666]“mouse events are permitted only for button instances on (release) {”[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#666666]Please could someone explain where I’m going wrong? I have yet to create the intro and four SWF’s and am wondering if this is a possible explanation.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#666666]Hoping someone can assist???[/COLOR]