Transitions between external SWFs

[COLOR=#003366]I’m hoping someone can help me…[/COLOR]

[COLOR=#003366]I am trying to follow the following tutorial that is perfect for what I need:-[/COLOR]

[COLOR=#003366]Transitions [/COLOR][FONT=Verdana][COLOR=#003366]Between External SWFs
[/COLOR][/FONT][FONT=Verdana][COLOR=#666666]by Voetsjoeba :: 21 February 2004[/COLOR][/FONT]

[COLOR=#666666]I have created the buttons and have cut and pasted the ActionScript with what I believe to be the correct adjustments. However, I’m getting the following error messages for each of the four buttons…[/COLOR]

[COLOR=#666666]“mouse events are permitted only for button instances on (release) {”[/COLOR]

[COLOR=#666666]Please could someone explain where I’m going wrong? I have yet to create the intro and four SWF’s and am wondering if this is a possible explanation.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=#666666]Hoping someone can assist???[/COLOR]

It sounds like you’re putting the actionscript code onto a frame instead of on the button instance. What you have to do is select the button instance on the stage, open the action script panel and paste your ‘on (release)’ code there, then get rid of the code that was placed on a frame in the timeline.

Coincidentally I made one a while ago for a friend - probably the same deal but:

Might help you out.

Thanks guys!!! Much appreciated.