
I know this questoin has been asked a lot of times, and i sort of get the idea of how to do it. I’ve done a seach but the link with the fla posted by electrongeek isn’t working for some reason so i had no other clue on where to start…

All i know is that at the beginning of the swf’s you need animations for opening the swf, and then at the end closing the swf. But how would you get the closing animations to play thats what i’m not sure of?! thx

Perhaps this might help you getting the whole transition idea…

ah cool thx i’ll take a look at that

you’re welcome

well i took a look at it, and theres one part i don’t really understand.

On each link theres the code:
if (_root.section != “link1”) {

and on the first frame
_root.section = “welcome”

Therefore doesn’t that mean _root.section will never equal link 1, or link2 or link3 and will always equal true? So whats the point in this line?

And i’m also not too sure about the

loadMovie (_root.section+".swf")

i hope you understood what i was saying :slight_smile:

The file wasnt mine, i just posted here but lets check it…

First, he assigns a value of “welcome” to the section variable.
Whenever u click a link, it will assign a new value to the section variable:

-clicking on link1 will assign a value of “link1” to the variable “section” and will load movie1;
-clicking on link1 will assign a value of “link2” to the variable “section” and will load movie2;
-clicking on link1 will assign a value of “link3” to the variable “section” and will load movie3;

But before simply loading the new movie, it checks if the current loaded movie is diferent than the new one.
on (release) {
if (_root.section != “link1”) {
_root.section = “link1”;
[/AS](This piece of code does the comparison. It checks if the new content u are trying to load is different of the current loaded one)

actually i think i understand that now…thx :slight_smile:

You’re welcome

I tried the file from Crucial Limit to create transitions between loaded movies, but it does not work when I test it on my site.

When I first click on the first button (that loads link1.swf), the movie does load but then stops (is that because of the stop action on frame one of link1, 2 and 3?)
However, when I click on on the second button, it briefly appears before being covered by the transition. Same thing for button 3.

Only when all the movies are in the browser’s cache does it work properly.
Any ideas, suggestions???

Can u post the fla so i can check the code?

Here, I direct people to this thread a lot. It’s kind of the same thing that you are using now, but with if/else statements.

The fla is called helpforyou and it’s about six posts down.

The transition topic is very popular here

Or maybe this thread (scroll down a bit) ?

I appreciate everyone’s effort to help me out, but I still can’t get it to work.

Claudio, the file I was talking about is in fact the file you yourself attached at the start of this post:
It doesn’t work for me, nor does it work on the site of the original guy who posted the file, and who uses the technique on his site:

For example, to access the “contact” section on, I had to click once on contact, then click on another section, then go click again on contact. That’s the only way that section – and any other section – would finally load completely!!

Am I the only one to have that problem?

I’ve tried on Safari and Mac Internet Explorer 5.2, no success.

Hmmm works fine here…
perhaps i should take a look on the code