Translation from AS 2 to AS 3

I could use some help translating this code:

for (var j = 0; j < columnArr*.length; j++) {
    var mc:MovieClip = this["attachClip_" + num].attachMovie("col_" + num + "_choice", "choice_" + j, j + 1);

There’s a var named “mc” that will refer to each clip called “attachClip” numbered from 0 to whatever the length of the “columnArr” array is. And each of those attachClip items will (addChild) add an item from the Library (col_1_choice, col_2_choice, col_3_choice, etc). Those are graphic icons that will be made clickable. The AS 2.0 code is nice and compact but I’m not doing a good job of coming up with an AS 3 equivalent.