Trapping the Escape key


I am creating a software product demonstrator. The software uses the Escape key to let users get out of menus - crap I know, but that’s the way they do it!!

My problem is that I want Flash MX to look out for the Escape key being hit within my demonstrator and then go to another frame when it is hit.

Any ideas/sample code would be very welcome


John :slight_smile:

Well, it just goes to show that a little struggle through the help files sometimes pays off!!

_root.onEnterFrame = function() {
if (key.isDown(key.ESCAPE)) {

will do the job from that frame on. If anyone has any smarter ways of doing it please let me know.

I hope this can help someone else one day!


John :slight_smile:

:-\ It doesn’t work for me. I can trap the space bar, any letter, but not escape…

Anyway, you can check if escape was pressed only when the user presses a button, it will be less processor intensive:

_root.onKeyDown = function() {
	if (key.isDown(key.ESCAPE)) {

pom :smirk: