I posted this before in Random but I think it could use to be here as well.
Writing MX applications from Flash 5
Lets say you’re stranded off somewhere and you desperately need to create an MX swf and make darn good use of the Drawing API in MX (or anything else MX) but all you have at your disposal is Flash 5. What do you do? You code your movie in Flash 5. But that wont work, will it? No, not right off, it wont. The Flash player when playing that movie will see that it is a Flash 5 movie and play it accordingly, however, what you can do is change the value which the player sees as being the movie version from flash 5 to flash MX, then anything you’ve written in Flash 5 thats now in that Flash 5 swf, can be read as though it were made in MX. To do this, you’ll need a hex editor. A free one I use for windows (small light and fast) is frhed which can be found here. Though it may not be the editor of choice for more massive projects since it is just some guys personal learning excursion ;).
Anyway, what you would do is open the Flash 5 swf in a hex editor and change the last character in the first block of values (4th group of 2) from a 5 to a 6. ie.
46 57 53 05
46 57 53 06
Then you will fool the flash player into thinking the swf is Flash 6 format and it will run methods like moveTo and lineTo to actually draw on the screen - things that can be written just as easily in Flash 5, just not seen unless the swf is converted to be of Flash 6 (so note if you ever need to try this, testing your movie wont let you see Flash 6 (MX) actions).
in your Flash 5 movie, publishing it, converting the swf as described above, will create a flash (MX) movie built in flash 5 which draws a line from 0,0 to 200,200.