Ok, I need to know a little actionscript and hope you will be able to help - I have always found replies here.
I have my main movie with home, contact and links buttons (in fact they are movie clips with buttons in them - I intend to animate these buttons eventually) - my home button movie clip has an instance name of home_mc and the button inside this has an instance name of home_button
These buttons have simple actionscript to load external swf files at level 1
What i need is some actionscript code that I can put on my home fla that tells the home button in my main FLA to disable. This will stop the home movie reloading if I press the button again - you see, the home movie loads itself with actionscript at the final frame of my main fla and I don’t want it to load again if I press the home button. Am I making sense?
In fact I have uploaded a file to my server that contains some very simple fla files with these buttons and associated fla files. They were done for another person on the forum but I got no reply.
Many thanks. I have great confidence in this forum and await your reply.