I’m doing a menu on a site- and instead of making true roll overs- I have set the buttons (in white), onto a black background, and am using AS to alter the alpha when I roll in and out. The main buttons start at 20% alpha, go to 100% on RollOver, and back to 20% on rollOut- Thats not the problem. The problem comes next.
As the user rolls onto the instance of “Graphics_mc”, I want another MC (GraphicsSubtitle_mc) appear and disappear (alpha going from 0% to 100%), right now its just going from 20% and back, with the original RollOver, and I’m sure its just a scripting error, but i can’t figure it out. I’ll attach the script, can anyone help?
on (release) {
dir = 0;
speed = 6;
this._alpha = 20;
_parent.GraphicsSubtitle_mc._alpha = 0;
on (rollOver)
this.dir = 1;
_parent.GraphicsSubtitle_mc.dir = 1;
on (rollOut) {
this.dir = -1;
_parent.GraphicsSubtitle_mc.dir = 1
useHandCursor = true;
temp = _alpha + speed*dir;
_parent.GraphicsSubtitle_mc._alpha = Math.min(100,Math.max(temp,0));
this._alpha = Math.min(100,Math.max(temp,20));
And if thats more difficult than it needs to be- feel free to take liberties. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.