Trouble removing children

I’ve got a game where the user drags and drops object to places on the screen, then clicks a button to check their positions. The main code calls a second class in to check the answers, place an object on a the screen in a holder, and then return the number of correct answers. The main code then places a button to remove the objects on a click (after user reviews) by calling the second class again . The problem is that I can’t remove these objects with the click.
The code:
Code of the main body: public class SigTransScripts; this calls the Scene1Scripts class to check answers of the position of “epi” and “bar” and returns the number of correct

To check the answers of the game, after a button click:

function checkAnswers (e:MouseEvent):void
scene = new Scene1Scripts();
numCorrect = scene.init(epi.x, epi.y, bar.x, bar.y);
numWrong = 2 - numCorrect;
score = score + (numWrong * -5) + (numCorrect * 10);
removeChild (scoreText);
scoreText.text = score;
scoreText.setTextFormat (format);
addChild (scoreText);
RemoveChkBtn.x = 30;
RemoveChkBtn.y = 340;
addChild (RemoveChkBtn);
RemoveChkBtn.buttonMode = true;
RemoveChkBtn.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, removeChk);

Code in the public class Scene1Scripts to check answers, place an object for correct answers (correctChk1 or 2) in a movie clip holder (chkHolder), and then return the number correct answers:

public function init (epiX:int, epiY:int, barX:int, barY:int,):int
addChild (chkHolder);
var numCorrect:int = 0;
if ((epiX > 200) && (epiY >15) && (epiY <30) && (epiX <220))

                                            {              correctChk1.x = 100;
                                                            correctChk1.y = 100;
                                                            trace (chkHolder.numChildren); // this returns 1
                                                            numCorrect++; }
                            if ((barX &gt; 210) && (barX &lt; 235) &&  (barY &gt; 55) && (barY &lt; 70) )
                                            {              correctChk2.x = 100;
                                                            correctChk2.y = 150;
                                                            trace (chkHolder.numChildren);  // this returns 2
                            return numCorrect;

Back to SigTransScripts - click a button to remove the objects (correctChk1 and correctChk2) from the screen by emptying chkHolder:

function removeChk (e:MouseEvent):void
{ scene = new Scene1Scripts();

Code in the public class Scene1Scripts to remove the correct Chk objects:

function chk ():void
{ trace ("chk = ",chkHolder.numChildren); // this returns 0
while (chkHolder.numChildren) chkHolder.removeChildAt(0);

This fails to remove the objects because, as the trace shows, chkHolder is empty. If this is true, then how did it get empty, where are the correctChk1 and 2 and how do remove them? Help!