I’m attempting to apply skins to standard components (such as RadioButton, ComboBox, and CheckBox) in Flash 8 Professional. I have followed the instructions supplied in Flash Help … with no luck.
The instructions I have followed are accessible by clicking the following link.
I’ve determined that all I really need to do is change every instance of the ‘theme’ color in the Halo Theme …
from … #00FF00 (which is a fluorescent Green)
to … #DECA8D (tan)
Is there a way to simply replace the original ‘theme’ color (#00FF00) to the new one (#DECA8D)? As stated earlier I have followed the instructions contained within the Flash Help associated with this topic to a “T” … but it basically just consisted of manually changing the ‘theme’ colors. They didn’t outline any type of ActionScript … which I find hard to believe - that changes of this nature wouldn’t require any code.
I really hope someone can simply inform me of something I’m missing - or there’s a ‘quick’ fix.
Thanks in advance,