Trying to set up a conditional for alternate layout on thumbs

so i need to have an alternate layout on my stage, depending on where the user mouses over these thumbs. i tried placing the following code in the class constructor, but it kept blowing up. i ended up putting it in the onComplete handler…and while it’s not working there either, it is loading at least the first layout.

i just went through and tested the mouse_overs independently, and now it seems that onHoverLeft isn’t working at all, and i don’t know why.

 if (this.width >= parent.stage.stageWidth -5) {
            this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onHoverLeft);
            else if (this.width <= parent.stage.stageWidth) {
            this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onHoverRight);

here’s the code for onHoverLeft:

     private function onHoverLeft(e:MouseEvent):void {

            titleTXT.x = -165;
            dateTXT.x = -165;
            box.visible = true;
            box.x = -170;
            this.scaleX = 1;
            parent.setChildIndex(this, parent.numChildren-1);

and here’s onHoverRight:

    private function onHoverRight(e:MouseEvent):void {
        titleTXT.x = 85;
        dateTXT.x = 85;
        box.visible = true;
        this.scaleX = 1;
        parent.setChildIndex(this, parent.numChildren-1);


:cantlook: yeesh. sooo bad at this.