Tutorial on transition+preloding external files

Ive uploaded a small tutorial for my method of preloading external files with a transition mc.

>> HERE <<

Any feedback is welcome.
Hope it helps.


nice,i like it, thx a lot claudio :rambo: i am new to Flash :slight_smile:

You’re welcome

haha nice tutorial, now I can tell the people that bug me to bug you for questions on transitions. :stuck_out_tongue:

Noooo EG, they have been bugging me a LOT lately lol

If u have any idea how to improve dat, let me know… im goin to check the code later and maybe add a loadbar and percentage…


Very good there Claudio!I still can´t bealive that you are a “newbie”. What a liar!:wink: I will love to see more stuff from you in the future and kep up the good work buddy!8]

regards: Daisy:link:

Thx a lot Daisy :wink:
And just to remind you… I AM a newbie…

I’m a newbie too, we’re all newbies here. :stuck_out_tongue:

Dang Skippy EG.

And yes EG, your transition questions can now be passed to Claudio since he has the tutorial for it =) :stuck_out_tongue:

Hey ! I’m making a tutorial on transitions too ! :scream: ( -> just kidding :P)

Just wondering, does anything have to go on the external content?

there has to be some kind of actions in the external content right?


Nope, no actions at all… easier than you thought huh?

Yeah, its really good, i like it.

I did one similar with a preload bar, but i like urs!!

Hi Claudio,

I tried your tut on preloaders and transition. It works fine.
However, the external .swf I wish to use has Actionscript in it (nothing comlicated: a small popup made in flash), but when the content is loaded, the function does not work.

It seems like the external swf is kinda static, and will not show all functions and animations.

Can you help?